
Posts Tagged ‘issues’

Name Change

Everyone who knows me, well those who really know me, knows I am transgender. They also have known me as Storm M. Silvermane for years. Except most of my doctors. The office of my heart doctor knows I am FTM and certain nurses in there call me Storm, most call me by my birth name though. My family doctor knows I am FTM, calls me Storm, and even refers to me as the father of our children, yet his nurse still calls me by my birth name or sweetie.

Most of my family calls me Storm and has accepted who I am, then there are others who are not close to me, or who use to be (or so I thought) that totally deny who I am and refuse to accept me. They are not important in my life now either. If they cannot accept me for who I am, and call me by my chosen name, then they do not deserve a place in my life.

For years I had put off changing my name officially for various reasons. I always thought I could better apply the money in another area rather than spend that much on myself. A friend of mine even gave me some money for Winter Solstice to get it done one year and of course a bill came up that I applied it to instead. And for years I complained and whined anytime someone called me by my birth name, or I had to sign something in that name. It was killing me to look at my bills, my DL, my insurance card, my BC, my SSC, anything that had my birth name on it. But now I can get married to Angel officially, and I am tired of reading that birth name. I am tired of people acting confused on the phone when I say that name in this deeper voice. I am tired of being one thing to their eyes and other another thing to their brain when they read they name. I am tired of having to deal with events where I give Storm as my name and I have no ID to show them.

Monday I am able to go down to the court house and post my intent to change my name on the board, where it will wait for 10 business days (really folks it is two weeks) and then take in all of my paperwork and have my name officially changed. Of course with the money. Can’t forget the money.

Then I get to start the joyous adventure of changing all my stuff over to my REAL NAME. Bills, certificates, degrees, ID, DL, SSC, BC.. and on and on and on.. and you know what.. it is going to be a big pain in the ass.. and you know what else.. I don’t care. I will be so damn happy.